Cannot delete Inactive plugins

Hi, I have the same situation as Inactive plugins are not being deleted (single site and multi-site selects)

I can delete inactive themes but not inactive plugins. I followed the instructions on Delete Plugins - MainWP Documentation

Was this ever resolved?

Hi @clgm

We believe the issue you’re linked to was caused by WPEngine, although that was not confirmed.

Are the child sites in question that are attached to your MainWP Dashboard also hosted on WPEngine?

@bojan yes they are hosted on WPE.

Do you know if it is/was a resource limitation? Or a permissions issue?


The user from the previous report was in contact with WPEngine team, and they inquired as to how exactly does MainWP tries to execute the delete plugin command so they could investigate why the issue is occurring.

We informed the user that we use native WordPress methods for deleting plugins and themes:

See more information on our GitHub: mainwp-child/class-mainwp-child-install.php at c9db510db45a3444547ada268565457baeef412b · mainwp/mainwp-child · GitHub

However, we haven’t heard back from the user since then.

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OK, thanks @bojan. I will follow up with WPE and post the outcome here.

@bojan WPE are telling me that the most likely cause of the issue is a plugin conflict. However, deactivating all plugins except for MainWp didn’t solve the issue. So I’m no closer to having it resolved, unfortunately.

Thanks for the update.

Considering MainWP uses native WordPress methods for deleting plugins and themes, and that we’ve had this issue reported only for sites hosted on WPEngine, we believe that the issue lies with them.

Since you’ve verified that the issue wasn’t due to plugin conflict, would you mind getting back at the WPEngine support and having them investigate the issue further?

Shall do @bojan and will post the outcome here.

Thanks for your help.


@bojan WPE finally identified the source of this issue as being the Long Process Killer (LPK) on their server. Once the LPK was deactivated for our WPE account, the delete button on MainWP has been working :smiley:

WPE would only deactivate the LPK for us because we are on a dedicated server. I’m not sure how this would work for other users of MainWP, for child sites hosted on WPE. Those users would need to ask WPE if the LPK can be deactivated for their WPE account.

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Perfect, I’m glad they managed to solve the issue for you, and thank you for updating us and the rest of the community, especially the ones with sites on WPEngine.

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