Chrome Plugin not connecting

WordPress 6.6.1
MainWP Version 5.2

Google Chrome Version 128.0.6613.120
MainWP Browser Extension 2.0

I tried REST-API Key va with and without “Enable MainWP REST API v1 Compatibility”

I can not get connections to my Main-WP-Installation at

The Issue startet the last days… not sure when…

Hey @Sablerider

Welcome to the MainWP community.

The latest version of MainWP v5.2 introduced REST API Version 2.

However, the old Version 1 keys have been inadvertently deactivated. We are working on a fix for this.

Creating a new REST API Key, and enabling the Legacy API credentials should help with connecting the browser extension again.

When creating a new key, keep in mind that you have to toggle on Enable MainWP REST API v1 Compatibility, and that you have to Save Settings for the key to be active and usable in the browser extension.

Hello Bojan,

Thanks for your guide.

I did this alreasy 3 times and it did not work (exaktly this, with v1 Comp activated).

I did it a 4th time and now it is working again.

We can close this case.



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