Exclude External Images from the Jetpack CDN

Exclude external images from being served using the Jetpack CDN if using Jetpack on your child site.

Snippet Type

Execute on Child Sites


function jetpackblog_external( $skip, $image_url, $args, $scheme ) {
// Get your site URL, without the protocol
	$site_url = preg_replace( '~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i', '', get_site_url() );

	 * If the image URL is from your site,
	 * return default value (false, unless another function overwrites).
	 * Otherwise, do not use the CDN
	if ( strpos( $image_url, $site_url ) ) {
		return $skip;
	} else {
		return true;
add_filter( 'jetpack_photon_skip_for_url', 'jetpackblog_external', 9, 4 );
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