[Extension Request] iThemes Security: Pro Support

To protect our customers’ websites, we rely on iThemes Security Pro. Unfortunately, the iThemes Security Extension can only manage the functionality of the free version and not the additional options of the Pro version.

Original request (09/02/2016): Trello

Hey, I brought an answer on trello, I’m surprised that since 2016, the subject is still pending, and very strangely, I’ve been banned from trello!

I’m disappointed to see that it’s 4 years later and this is still not integrated

Any updates on whether more support will be provided for iThemes Security Pro?

This request has lots of support and votes, yet the features have not been implemented.

Right now, the extension allows for management of the plugin, but no way to report on usage in the client reports.


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Hello Sebastian, the trello link seems to be broken.
Has the trello card been destroyed?
That doesn’t seem to be a good omen …

Hi there - any update on that? This topic somehow is meanwhile our main trigger to buy mainWP pro… or not…

I would love to see iThemes integration in Pro reports. So clients can see a history of virus scans, a chart of blocked attacks, …

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