How do I delete the MainWP Dashboard Plugin?

Hi there,

I installed the MainWP Dashboard Plugin to try it out. Now I want to delete it again but there is no Plugin-section left in the menue of my normal WP-Dashboard.
And I can’t delete the Plugin via the MainWP Dashboard itself.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @xHannah

MainWP Dashboard can be uninstalled just like any other WordPress plugin, from the WP Admin > Plugins page.

MainWP by itself should not be hiding the Plugins section of your WP Admin area.

Did you perhaps add the Dashboard site as a child to itself, and used the White Label to hide the Plugins section?

And you always have an option of deleting the mainwp folder in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Either by using FTP or a File Manager app in your hosting backend.

Thanks for your answer.

It’s possible that one of the other admins of this side installed the Child-Plugin. But I can’t see any connected websites in the MainWP Dashboard.

But I am pretty sure White Label is not used on this site.

Are you able to directly access the Plugins URL for that WordPress site?

And do you have any other administrator accounts for that WP site that you can try?

Lastly, there’s always the option of deleting the mainwp folder in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Either by using FTP or a File Manager app in your hosting backend.

Just to reiterate, MainWP does not hide the Plugins page in the WP Admin, and there’s no out-of-the-box option for it in any of our extensions.

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I was able to fix this issue. Thank you alot


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