How is Atarim working for you?

@dennis - It is hidden not removed completely so it is still there… You are the first one to put Privacy First but imposing a third-party inside your tool is not against those privacy rules?

I appreciate you pointing that out.

No, it is not. It was reviewed by a privacy attorney before being implemented. However, I will research an unset function that you can add to your Dashboard funtions.php file in your Dashboard, if that will work for you.

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Hi @dennis - as usual, I appreciate your quick reply and that you are listening. Thanks!
Yes, an unset function will be appreciated.

Hey @wpexpert

Here’s the snippet to unset the Atarim column completely from the table on the Manage Sites page:

add_filter( 'mainwp_sitestable_getcolumns', 'myhook2_mainwp_sitestable_getcolumns', 20, 2 );
function myhook2_mainwp_sitestable_getcolumns( $columns ) {
	if(is_array($columns) && isset($columns['atarim_tasks'])){
		unset( $columns['atarim_tasks'] );
	return $columns;

Hello @bojan, it worked!


Thank you very much! Really appreciate the effort.

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Great, I’m glad it worked.

You are welcome, and we appreciate your passion for MainWP :slight_smile:

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I didn’t know that was its origin. I’ve had a developer use that while building a client site.

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