How many sites do you maintain with MainWP? Seeking for the champion!

For the people that are managing a large number of sites (100+).

How many people do you have to help with the workload? Is it just you? Can you scale to a certain number before support requests get to be too much?


Iā€™m at 200 sites and out source probably half of my support.

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Close to 3000 sites, around 100 people (developers, devops, content, SEOā€¦) working on the sites.

Really depends on the type and size of site(s) and what type of support youā€™re supposed to provide.

I have a handful of personal sites which I touch maybe a couple of times per year so Iā€™d have no problem scaling them up to, say, 20-30 sites without feeling overwhelmed doing everything (dev/content/SEO) myself. But for example of the top 10 sites in our organization I definitely wouldnā€™t even want to manage a single one of them by myself.


3000 sites, wow, what is your secretā€¦

Probably should ask this in the FB group, I did that once, got some big amounts. Chris Bourne has like a 1K or something. Seems like someone else was up there too. Rob Cairns pushing 400.