Independent Analytics to MainWP Bridge

Do you use Main WP & Independent Analytics? I do and couldn’t get my stats into my pro report email, so having explored the developer doc’s and finding a API, I set about writing a custom rest API endpoint for the child sites and an extension for Main WP to get those glorious stats into my pro-reports.

The two culminated in to what I am calling the Independent Analytics to Main WP bridge, I have recorded a video (I am terrible at this and need a dedicated Microphone) to run through my solution the background and to highlight the use.

The code for both plugin and extension are now available in my GitHub GitHub - stingray82/MainWP-IAWP: MainWP to Independent Analytics (WIP) I hope someone else gets some use out of it, I have spoken to the developer of Independent Analytics and they have said they will add a custom endpoint in future releases at some point the child plugin will not be needed and I will adapt it to work with that