MainWP Buddy Extension destination folder token


I would love to centralize setting for Backups with BackupBuddy. I see I can install central schedules and destinations from within the Buddy extension. But this would mean that the files clutter only one destination. We use a central backup server, but at least I would like to have a folder token so that each site can get its onw backup folder on the central server.

Is there a way?

Similar for schedules. Is there a way to shift execution time for the schedules a bit for each site in a general setting?

Hi @joker

If you are referring to the local storage destinations for the Buddy backups - those will be saved locally on the child sites themselves. Not centrally on the Dashboard site.

For Remote destinations - those have to be configured directly on the child sites themselves.
For security reasons, the remote storage providers insist on that.
So during that configuration, you should be able to choose the directory for a particular child site.

As for schedules - it is not currently possible to shift execution. You could set up schedules for child sites individually also on the MainWP Dashboard, but I understand that would entail considerably more work.

So please feel free to make a suggestion about this on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most.

Hi @bojan
I am referring to remote destinations, sftp to be precise.

You can configure Remote destinations (sftp at least) globally in the MainWP Extensions Dashboard and they will be created on every child site, you cannot even choose.

The centrally created schedules give me problems… they give errors on every child site it is saved to. See Screenshots

Although the Dashboard says “success”, the schedule is not created on the child sites

Thanks for the update.

Would you mind opening a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further?

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We were able to reproduce the issue. The remote destination gets created on child sites, but schedules do not.

​We’ve passed this issue along to our development team for further investigation, and a fix will be released in the next version of the extension.

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