MainWP Child Auto Downloader

In order to make the onboarding process with your clients a bit more “white-labeled” from the gate - I am making my personal MainWP Child Auto Downloader plugin repository PUBLIC. You may set this plugin up and offer it as a “Downloadable” for your services.

After you follow the README and update with your COMPANY INFO simply upload and activate. The plugin will Auto download, install & activate the MainWP Child Plugin .

Once you connect to the Child Site with your MainWP Dashboard the MainWP Child Plugin will be White Labeled as well.

You may download and customize it as you would like here:


GitHub - kwcjr/MainWP-Child-Auto-Downloader: This plugin checks to see if the…

This plugin checks to see if the MainWP Child plugin is installed and activated; If not, it will download it and install it. - GitHub - kwcjr/MainWP-Child-Auto-Downloader: This plugin checks to see…


Hi @kwcjr,

This is pretty cool! It will be very helpful to get access to a site without asking for a password, just username.
Now, can you get the secure ID automatically?


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@wpexpert Yup! Exactly why I created it :slight_smile: YW!

My signup form simply request an admin account username that they created with an EXTREAMLY long password that nobody ever sees - and then I provide this as a downloadable.

I haven’t looked into grabbing data just yet however, I was recently planning on adding an emailer notification so when the user enables the plugin it will sent out a notification to the admin letting them know that they can connect. The MainWP Child Plugin SecurityID option would have to be set programmatically, but that data can simply be appended there after the fact. Communicating directly with MainWP in the reverse direction… tough one.

This technically ( in theory ) can be bridged to fire off the AddSite MainWP-CLI command when you receive the email so that it auto connects to the child site.

The possibilities are endless really. -

Future plans so far are: ( Roadmap )

  • Add core Email notifications
  • Add settings so it’s easier to setup White-labeling ( config )
  • Add settings to Auto Hide the MainWP Child Plugin from the gate ( config )
  • Add settings for Auto Enable MainWP Child Plugin Security ID & append to Email Notifications ( config )
  • Add core Updater Script to keep the MainWP Child Auto Uploader core updated from witin WordPress Admin. ( ignoring settings config files )

H @kwcjr,

Thank you very much. We already have a form to request admin info but, I will definitely look at the end to offer to download your plugin. Notification email will be perfect.
For the security ID, maybe we can do a quick video at the end of the form workflow to show then where to find it?

But very promising!

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@wpexpert very welcome :slight_smile:

Right now as the tool sits, yeah a video or a simple screen shot on how to Navigate to Settings > MainWP Child > Connection Settings sounds like a straight forward way until that’s added.

Roadmap - you can keep track of it there.

Feel free to submit requests and issues here: Issues · kwcjr/MainWP-Child-Auto-Downloader · GitHub :slight_smile:

Reminder to anyone reading this A connection should be made in a timely manner due to the nature of the plugins.

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Tested the plugin today with a client and works well! Thanks.
It will be fantastic to get the notification with security ID.

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