Mass update Client Report Tokens

Is there a way to do something like export/import all my sites’ Client Report Tokens?

I’m introducing monthly care reports and have over 100 sites. It would be nice to export all my sites into a spreadsheet to easily update the token values and then do an import/update.

Is something like that possible?



That would be cool OR a simple list to edit these fields in a huge table. In its current form the Token system really feels unfinished. Also there are two separate and incompatible token systems parallel: The boilerplate and client reports tokens and I hate to fill all this data up redundantly.

I don’t understand why we don’t have “Clients” with a certain token set and can apply them to multiple websites. Currently I end up having dozens of sites with the exact same tokens. This makes no sense and the solution is so obvious.


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Agreed. What you suggest would be very useful.

Hi @piggybank, at the moment, there is no option to get this data imported, some users use auto-fill browser feature to handle that faster.

Hi @phalancs, we do have this feature request on our radar. It’s defintelly something that we will look into.

I built something recently that allows managing Pro Report tokens via a CSV. I keep a local CSV, update as needed, then re-import to overwrite existing values. No documentation at the moment and not tested with a huge number of sites, but I’m happy to field questions and improve upon what I have here.


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