Non-english characters stopped showing in PDF reports

Hello, in version 5.0.5 non-english characters appear as ??? in my PDF reports.
In version 5.0.4 it was working correctly, I checked it myself. Without any changes in settings or templates, in 5.0.4 the characters are fine, but in 5.0.5 are not showing.

For example

  • My characters are greek
  • It happens to default templates and custom ones
  • It happens for all texts, including Report introduction message and Report closing message
  • It happens when downloading or sending a PDF report. In the report preview the characters are showing fine.

I will appreciate any help.

Hey @dichagr

In v5.0.5 of Pro Reports we updated the DOMPDF library which we use to generate PDF files, which affected how some fonts are rendered.

We have a pre-release version that includes a fix for it, and if you wish, I can send it to you via a private message.

Thanks, Iā€™m ok for now, I have reverted to 5.0.4. I will update when you release the next version with the fix

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