August 23, 2024, 8:11am
Hello, in version 5.0.5 non-english characters appear as ??? in my PDF reports.
In version 5.0.4 it was working correctly, I checked it myself. Without any changes in settings or templates, in 5.0.4 the characters are fine, but in 5.0.5 are not showing.
For example
My characters are greek
It happens to default templates and custom ones
It happens for all texts, including Report introduction message and Report closing message
It happens when downloading or sending a PDF report. In the report preview the characters are showing fine.
I will appreciate any help.
(Bojan Katusic)
August 23, 2024, 1:41pm
Hey @dichagr
In v5.0.5 of Pro Reports we updated the DOMPDF library which we use to generate PDF files, which affected how some fonts are rendered.
We have a pre-release version that includes a fix for it, and if you wish, I can send it to you via a private message.
August 26, 2024, 8:19am
Thanks, Iām ok for now, I have reverted to 5.0.4. I will update when you release the next version with the fix
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August 27, 2024, 8:20am
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