Not seeing all administrator users

Hi - We manage approximately 40 sites. We have the same group of administrators on all these 40 sites.

39 sites - we can see the same people. On the lone site, only my name is shown as administrator under the “Manage users” section of MainWP.

Sites are pretty consistent in terms of plugins, PHP versions, etc. We are hosted on WPEngine.

Any ideas?


Hey @andyfostertamu

Could you check if those missing users have custom roles or if their privileges were modified? Perhaps using a third-party plugin like User Role Editor?

Also, make sure that you’re running the latest version of the MainWP Child plugin on that site.

Hi Bojan,

Thanks for the quick reply.

One site uses Restrict Content Pro. Another site with a similar issue uses Member and Restrict Content Pro.

Are these plugins the reason? Any workaround? Not a priority - just trying to see if we can find solutions.


They indeed might be the reason if they are interfering with user role permissions.

Without knowing how and even if these plugins are affecting user roles, I cannot comment on any potential workaround.

If you wish, please open a Help Desk ticket, and we can take a closer look at this and possibly offer a workaround.