OpenSSL key encryption link from the v5.3 notification is not found 404


I’ve just updated the dashboard to v5.3 and I’ve seen the small notification regarding the OpenSSL key encryption but the “Learn more” link OpenSSL Key Encryption After Upgrading to v5.3 - MainWP Knowledgebase goes to a 404 page. While searching for it, I haven’t found that article in the KnowledgeBase. Maybe it’s not yet public ?

Thank you.

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Thanks for pointing that our @dcgavril , I’ll look into why it wasn’t updated and have it taken care of first thing tomorrow.

The function operates in a way that’s similar to what’s described here: How MainWP stores 3rd-party API Keys and other sensitive data? - MainWP Knowledgebase

I’m going to leave it to the team members who have a deeper knowledge of the specifics to provide a detailed KB on it instead of me jumping in and ham-handing it :slight_smile:


Hey @dcgavril

Thanks for pointing this out to us.

The KB has now been published:

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