Pro Report GA comparison with previous month

Is there a possibility in the pro report to compare the data (also in the chart) with the previous month? Only the current period is visible in the standard template.

In the GA extension itself it is possible:

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.


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Hey @FProg80

Welcome to the MainWP Community!

Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to insert that chart that shows current and last month’s statistics into the Pro Reports.

Please feel free to make a suggestion about this on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most.

ok, thanks for your quick respond.

Is it at least possible to show data (not in the chart) of 2 different time periods in the pro report as seen here:

This way I could show the clients the comparison of this month and the previous.

Thanks for your help.


That is not currently possible. All Google Analytics tokens display the relevant data only for the date range of the entire report.

You can see the list of all tokens on this page: Available Pro Reports Tokens - MainWP Documentation

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