Title bug in latest MainWP?

When I go to the MainWP control panel, the title tab shows UpDraft Plus in the title like this
Screenshot 2024-09-26 121824

Hey @CarlAus

What is the exact URL you are on when you’re seeing that page title?
You can omit the domain name for privacy reasons.

On my Dashboard, I can see UpdraftPlus in the title only when I am an UpdraftPlus-related page:

I just noticed an update for the UpdraftPlus plugin. You might have received version 1.24.5 or 2.24.5 (PRO). Now there’s an update available:

1.24.6 - 25/Sep/2024

  • TWEAK: In 1.24.5, the browser title wrongly displayed as “UpdraftPlus” when accessing an unrelated plugin page using the main menu.

So this has nothing to do with MainWP.

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Thanks so much @josklever, glad it’s not a MainWP issue!


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