Top padding is 0 in PDF reports


If I create a Pro PDF report, and a table (for exmaple the plugin updates list) breaks into 2 pages, the top-padding of the 2nd page is 0. Can you help me please, how can I adjust the padding for this situations?

I attached an image for demonstration:

Thank you

Hey @senepro

Would you mind opening a private Help Desk ticket so that the development team can look into this?

And please refer to this Managers thread by its URL in the ticket.

Hi Bojan!

OK, thank you.

I made some research about the DOMPDF library, the PDF generator of the reports, and the following CSS snippet works for me fine: (No padding in the first page, and 15mm bottom padding in all other pages):

    @page {
        margin-top: 15mm;

    @page :first {
        margin: 0px;
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I’m glad to hear you’ve found the solution.

Thanks for sharing it with the community.

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