Update data doesn't show in the child site report


I’ve setup the Pro reports in the MainWP dashboard site and child site report into my site. But it doesn’t show any update data in the child site report even the child site has plugins/themes updated in last 30 days.

I’ve setup date range in the report settings, to show data between 1-31 March 2023, but when preview the report the data doesn’t show any plugin/theme updates, pagespeed scores, and the security scan (Sucuri) result as well. But in the site overview page can show data for pagespeed scores and security scan result correctly.

Could you please help to advice?

Hi @sandysaille

MainWP Child Reports plugin needs to be installed and active on a child site in order to log any activities, such as plugin/theme updates.

So if you installed the plugin today, it will not have any logs about updates that happened before that.

You can see exactly what the MainWP Child Reports plugin has logged by going to the Child Site, WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > Child Reports.

@bojan Got it, thank you so much!

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