Updating Pro Reports plugin deleted custom templates

Hello, when we updated the Main WP Pro Reports plugin, it deleted our custom-made templates! Like gone forever… Luckily, we had a backup to restore then but, you need to be aware of that. Especially if you have scheduled reports and if the custom-made reports are missing it will switch back to the default one… Not good when you spent hours creating a template that matches your customer’s need. I already sent a ticket to the support but I wanted to let everyone aware of this issue.

Hi Fred,

Can you please tell me in which directory you saved your custom templates?


Hi @bogdan,
I am saving the php file in wp-content > plugins > mainwp-pro-reports-extension > templates > reports so it is displayed in the saved reports in the PRO reports section.

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Hi Fred, thanks for confirming that. However this is not correct location for saving custom templates.

Custom templates should be saved in /wp-content/uploads/mainwp/report-templates/ so updates don’t delete the file.

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Fantastic! Thanks @bogdan - I was not aware of that but, we just started to use custom report a few weeks ago so probably why we never see this issue! I will mark your solution.

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I am happy to see that the problem is solved!

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