Bounce Rate (Fathom Analytics) in Pro Reports needs to be multiplied by 100


the bounce rate in my reports are showing as “0.83%” instead of 83%.
I’ve fixed it temporary by changing line 246 in the “class-mainwp-pro-reports-data.php” from:

$output['fathom.bounce.rate'] = ( isset( $values['aggregates'] ) && isset( $values['aggregates']['bounce_rate'] ) ) ? self::format_stats_values( $values['aggregates']['bounce_rate'], true, true ) : 'N/A';


$output['fathom.bounce.rate'] = ( isset( $values['aggregates'] ) && isset( $values['aggregates']['bounce_rate'] ) ) ? self::format_stats_values( $values['aggregates']['bounce_rate']*100, true, true ) : 'N/A';

Thank you,

Hey @manuh

Thanks for reporting this to us.

I’ve managed to reproduce it and passed it along to our development team.

It will be fixed in the next release.

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