Custom Widgets Layout - Order of widgets not the same on desktop vs. mobile


Since v5 upgrade, I’ve had to redo all my widget configuration for the Overview and Sites summary (size and position they had before).
But my request deals with the fact that the widgets a bit reversed in mobile view.
It seems the responsive doesn’t respect the container order like a correct responsive webpage.

So my question is, could you double check this behavior on your side, then find a fix for that ?

Desktop view :

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Mobile view :

Hey @nicolas

Welcome to the MainWP community.

At the moment, this is the expected behavior, albeit not ideal.

The reason for this is that we use a different system for widgets on mobile, so the order is not synced with the order on desktop.

We will be looking into improving this behavior in a future MainWP release.

Thanks @bojan for the quick reply.

I noticed the widget are not customizable in mobile view. your explains confirm that’s what I thought.

So we’ll wait this improvement feature on the widget management.

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