Database Updater - Update All doesn't work

I just wanted to do the database update for Elementor on all sites and when clicking “Update All”, it only opens the list, without doing anything. The same issue occurs when using the Update Selected button.

In the browser console I see this error:

ReferenceError: bulkTaskRunning is not defined
    at mainwp_db_updater_updatesoverview_plugins_upgrade_all (mainwp-database-updater.js?ver=1.2:20:5)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (admin.php?page=UpdatesManage&tab=plugin-db-updates:14005:216)

I’m using MainWP5.1RC2.0 and Database Updater Extension 5.0.1

It does work if I update each site 1 by 1.


Hey @josklever

Thanks for reporting this to us.

I’ve managed to reproduce the issue, and I’ve passed it along to our development team.

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The issue has been fixed and will be included in the next Database Updater release.

@josklever If you wish, I can send you a pre-release version via a private message.

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Same as the other thread. I can wait until the update is released, but you can send it if you need it tested. :slight_smile:

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Hello @bojan,

Updating this ticket as I installed the last version of MainWP today and Database update all is still broken… and if you go details, same things, not working but if you go at the site level, you can update the database.

EDITED: Update selected is not working neither…

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Hi @wpexpert,

This will be solved in the next version of the Database Updater extension, so it’s correct that it’s not solved with MainWP 5.1.

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yep, after updating to 5.1 (with database updater extension on 5.0.1) neither update all nor update selected work for me.

We have just released an update for Database Updater (v 5.0.2) that addresses this issue.

Thank you all for reporting this to us.

Considering some JavaScript is likely cached in your browser, please perform a hard refresh (Ctrl + Shift +R / Command + Shift + R), or clear your browser cache (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) after updating the extension.


Hi @bojan ,

I can confirm that with the latest version of Database Updater the issue has been resolved. I only needed to clear the browser cache after updating to let the changes take effect just as you advised.

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This update has introduced 2 new issues:

  1. Update all, only updates 3 sites and then stops.
  2. The progress bar is stuck at 0%, even if all (3 or less) sites have been updated.

Yep, same issue here. And updated everything I could (when I read this) but still all manual only

Let’s use this new topic for the follow-up:

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