Is There Any Workaround For Install By Zip From Localhost

I have installed the MainWP Dashboard on the localhost on my PC using the Desktop server.

Using This Guide

I have several plugins/themes which are not in the Wordpress repository, so I have to install them by uploading a zip file.

However, the upload by zip doesn’t work from the localhost, as it can not accept external traffic and fetch the zip file uploaded.

Is anyone in the same situation and if there is a workaround?

So I can temporarily give access to external traffic and install the plugins or themes by upload?


Hi @hadkarbhushan, I have seen users for trying to solve this, but I haven’t seen a solution yet :slight_smile:

I am also very curious to see if anyone found a way to use this feature on localhost setups.

Yes, Maybe If MainWP Team can Give Remote Cloud Integration Like Google Drive or Dropbox the same way it works for Wordpress remote backups.

So that we can upload to one of the drive locations and then it can then download the plugin/theme to child sites directly from remote storage.

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Hi @hadkarbhushan, feel free to post your idea to the Features section so other users can vote it up.

You mean in the following section?

This would be the best place:

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