One child our of 5 children on the same host is unable to connect

I’m running MainWP in Dreamhost Shared Hosting, and our of 5 WP I’m running only one is unable to connect. Here is the log I see repeating, is there any suggestion to fix this issue?

[Fri Oct 06 12:41:29.137827 2023] [:error] [pid 416803:tid 3920282044160] [client] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. Matched phrase “wp-admin/themes.php” at REQUEST_HEADERS:Referer. [file “/etc/modsecurity/mod_sec3_CRS/REQUEST-00-LOCAL-WHITELIST.conf”] [line “92”] [id “1036”] [hostname “[](/)”] [uri “/wp-admin/themes.php”] [unique_id “ZSBi6c0Mr4sjb1bQl0VE-gAAAAM”], referer: https:///wp-admin/themes.php

I have already tried deactivating all plugins from Child and even changing themes with no success.

Any guidance is appreciated

Hi @cvillalba

Welcome to the MainWP Community!

The warning message comes from ModSecurity, which is a security software running on the child site webhost.

It appears to be falsely identifying the connection coming from the MainWP Dashboard as an attack.

You would likely need to whitelist the IP and/or URI of the Dashboard.

The host support of the child site should be able to assist with that.

Hello @bojan

Discussing with the hosting customer service, I learned that this is just a warning from an already whitelisted IP. I really don’t know how to debug this issue. The domains are all hosted together and I got instant connection from the other 4 children. The domain with the issue has nothing special or different from the others.

Any guidance to solve it is appreciated

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the update.

What error message do you see when you try to connect that site? Please feel free to share any screenshots. It will help us understand the context better.

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