Postman: wp_mail has been declared by another plugin or theme, so you won’t be able to use Postman until the conflict is resolved.” + Reports Qu

I have seen a few posts like this but they are closed, so not sure I can add to them.

In my situation, since I’m not using the frontend of the site at all, I’ve just left WP on standard new 2024 theme, and I do have FluentSMTP plugin installed, and emails ‘have’ sent out before now.

Wondering what is the issue?

Second smaller thing - with Pro reports installed, are Woocommerce details (sales numbers etc) automatically picked up to go out in client reports?


Despite this error message, my ManiWP site did email me the daily digests overnight…

Hey @empirebase

MainWP plugin uses WordPress built-in feature to detect wp_mail() errors. In some cases, it can show false positives.

If everything works fine for you, you can dismiss and ignore that warning.

The WooCommerce numbers aren’t being automatically shown in the reports but you can add them using tokens:

More information about token usage is available here:

Thanks Bojan.
Will take a look and try to get my head around it.
Coming from ManageWP which I am trying to dump as much as possible, things are a bit different…!

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