Postmark plugin disabled

MainWP disables Postmark WP plugin in settings due to it interfering with the wp_mail function.

This appears to have been an [issue about a year ago] which has surfaced again or maybe not resolved yet. (Postmark App Plugin not Showing in Settings when MainWP is Active)
I verify that disabling MainWP dashboard plugin, the Postmark plugin then shows up the in WP settings menu.

Hey @Darrin

Welcome to the MainWP community.

I am unable to reproduce the issue.

With Dashboard active, I still see the ActiveCampaign Postmark menu entry under Settings.

Can you please if you’re using the latest version of the MainWP Dashboard (v4.6) and Postmark plugin (1.19.1)?

Seems to be a conflict with the MainWP Atarim plugin.

  1. When the MainWP Atarim plugin is activated, the Postmark plugin is removed from settings.

  2. When I deactivate the MainWP plugin is deactivated, then Postmark is in the settings menu again.

Thanks for the update.

I’ve reproduced an issue and there indeed appears to be a conflict with the Atarim extension.

I’ve passed it along to the development team and it will be fixed in the next release.

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Thank you for the fast response. Looking forward to using the Atarim plugin with MainWP again.

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