Pro Reports "Report has been saved without changes."

Hello there,

I have installed the pro reports plugin and the mainWP reports plugin on one of my child sites, but everytime I create a report to test them, I get the same message when saving or trying to preview “Report has been saved without changes.”. Nothing happens after that other that the form and all settings are being reset. The report is not saved, the preview does not open. I’ve tried a one time report and a recurring one.

What seems to be the problem here?


Can you please post the community system report from your MainWP Dashboard for review? The report is located in your Dashboard under Info → Server, on the top right of the page.

Be sure to use the button like the one below; this button hides all your private information:


Pressing the button auto-copies the report to your clipboard then just paste it in a reply here.

Also, please include the system report for the Child Site in question by navigating to MainWP Child > System Information and clicking the Blue button.

@WPNinjas Re-reading this made me think, check to make sure your browser isn’t blocking the “Pop-up” that is usually launched during “Preview” & or “Download” of a report. The “saved” message will show when you click “Preview” because it re-saves the report settings before hand.

Popups are not being blocked… Here is the system report for the dashboard:

### WordPress Überprüfung          Erforderlich                                           Erkannt                                      Status   ###

Dateisystem-Methode                = direct                                               direct                                       Bestanden   
MultiSite Disabled                 =true                                                  true                                         Bestanden   
WordPress Memory Limit             >=64M                                                  256M                                         Bestanden   
WordPress Version                  >=3.6                                                  6.3.1                                        Bestanden   

### PHP                            Erforderlich                                           Erkannt                                      Status   ###

cURL Extension Enabled             =true                                                  true                                         Bestanden   
cURL Timeout                       >=300 seconds                                          60                                           Warnung     
cURL Version                       >=7.29.0                                               7.81.0                                       Bestanden   
OpenSSL Version                    >=OpenSSL/1.1.0                                        OpenSSL/3.0.2                                Bestanden   
OpenSSL Working Status             Yes                                                    Yes                                          Bestanden   
PCRE Backtracking Limit            >=10000                                                1000000                                      Bestanden   
PHP Allow URL fopen                n. a.                                                  JA                                                       
PHP Deaktivierte Funktionen        n. a.                                                  Keine Funktionen deaktiviert.                            
PHP Geladene Erweiterungen         n. a.                                                  Core, OAuth, PDO, PDO_Firebird, PDO_ODBC, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, SourceGuardian, Zend OPcache, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml, mailparse, mbstring, mongodb, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcre, pdo_dblib, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, pspell, raphf, session, shmop, soap, sodium, sqlite3, standard, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib            
PHP Max Execution Time             >=30 seconds                                           30                                           Bestanden   
PHP Max Input Time                 >=30 seconds                                           60                                           Bestanden   
PHP Memory Limit                   >=128M                                                 256M                                         Bestanden   
PHP Post Max Size                  >=2M                                                   200M                                         Bestanden   
PHP Safe Mode Disabled             =true                                                  true                                         Bestanden   
PHP unterstützt Exif               n. a.                                                  JA                                                       
PHP unterstützt IPTC               n. a.                                                  JA                                                       
PHP unterstützt XML                n. a.                                                  JA                                                       
PHP Upload Max Filesize            >=2M                                                   200M                                         Bestanden   
PHP Version                        >=7.4                                                  8.0.30                                       Bestanden   
SSL Extension Enabled              =true                                                  true                                         Bestanden   
SSL Warnings                       = empty                                                                                             Bestanden   

### MySQL                          Erforderlich                                           Erkannt                                      Status   ###

MySQL Client Verschlüsselung       n. a.                                                  utf8                                                     
MySQL Version                      >=5.0                                                  10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1-log         Bestanden   
MySQL-Modus                        n. a.                                                  NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION                                   

### Server-Konfiguration           Erkannter Wert                                      ###

Antwortzeit                        1695053925                                             
Arbeitsspeicherauslastung          55.88 MB                                               
Architektur                        64		 bit                                               
Betriebssystem                     Linux                                                  
Geteway-Schnittstelle              CGI/1.1                                                
HTTPS                              AN                                                     
Inhalt akzeptieren                 text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
Server-Protokoll                   HTTP/2.0                                               
Server-Software                    Apache                                                 
User Agent                         Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Verbindung zum Server selbst       Unerwarteter HTTP response body:                       
Zeichensatz des Inhalts            n. a.                                                  

### MainWP Dashboard Einstellungen Erkannter Wert                                      ###

Anzahl der Child-Websites:         1                                                      
Einfache Verfügbarkeits-Überwachung aktiviertJa                                                     
Erweiterte Automatische Plugin-Aktualisierungen aktiviertJa                                                     
Erweiterte Automatische Theme-Aktualisierungen aktiviertJa                                                     
Erweiterte Automatische WP-Core-Aktualisierungen aktiviertNein                                                   
MainWP Dashboard Version           Latest: | Detected: Bestanden          
MainWP Legacy Backups aktiviert    Nein                                                   
Maximale Anzahl der Beiträge, die zurückgegeben werden sollen                                                       
Maximale Anzahl der Seiten, die zurückgegeben werden sollen                                                       
Maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Installations- und Aktualisierungs-Anfragen                                                       
Maximale gleichzeitige Anfragen    4                                                      
Maximale gleichzeitige Anfragen pro IP1                                                      
Maximale gleichzeitige Synchronisierungs-Anfragen                                                       
Minimale Verzögerung zwischen Anfragen200                                                    
Minimale Verzögerung zwischen Anfragen zu derselben IP1000                                                   
Optimieren für Shared Hosting oder große NetzwerkeNein                                                   
Rest-API ist aktiviert             Nein                                                   
Verwaiste Plugins/Themes-Toleranz  365                                                    
Vorrangiges Backup-System          MainWP UpdraftPlus Extension                           
WP Cron verwenden                  Nein                                                   
Überwachung des Website-Zustands ist aktiviertJa                                                     

### Erweiterungen                  Version                                                Lizenz                                       Status   ###

MainWP Cache Control Extension     4.0.3                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Database Updater Extension  4.0.4                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP iThemes Security Extension  4.1.4                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Lighthouse Extension        4.0.5                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Maintenance Extension       4.1.2                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Pro Reports Extension       4.1.2                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Rocket Extension            4.0.5                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP SSL Monitor Extension       4.0.5                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Staging Extension           4.0.4                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP UpdraftPlus Extension       4.0.10                                                 Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension4.1.6                                                  Inaktiv                                      Warnung     
MainWP White Label Extension       4.1.3                                                  Aktiv                                        Bestanden   

### Plugin                         Version                                                Status                                    ###

MainWP Dashboard                                                         Aktiv                                        
WP Mail SMTP                       3.9.0                                                  Aktiv                                        

And here for the Child:

### Server-Konfiguration           Erforderlicher Wert                                    Wert                                         Status   ###

WP NINJAS WARTUNG                  
                                   WP Ninjas Wartung Version                              4.5.1                                        4.5.1       Pass        
                                   WordPress Version                                      >=3.4                                        6.3.1       Pass        
                                   WordPress Memory Limit                                 >=64M                                        40M         Warning     
                                   MultiSite Disabled                                     =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   Dateisystem-Methode                                    = direct                                     direct      Pass        
                                   PHP Version                                            >=7.4                                        8.0.30      Pass        
                                   PHP Safe Mode deaktiviert                              AUS                                          
                                   PHP Max Execution Time                                 >=30 seconds                                 900         Pass        
                                   PHP Max Input Time                                     >=30 seconds                                 600         Pass        
                                   PHP Memory Limit                                       >=128M (256M+ best for big backups)          512M        Pass        
                                   PCRE Backtracking Limit                                >=10000                                      1000000     Pass        
                                   PHP Upload Max Filesize                                >=2M (2MB+ best for upload of big plugins)   2G          Pass        
                                   PHP Post Max Size                                      >=2M (2MB+ best for upload of big plugins)   2G          Pass        
                                   SSL Extension Enabled                                  =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   SSL Warnings                                           = empty                                                  Pass        
                                   cURL Extension Enabled                                 =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   cURL Timeout                                           >=300 seconds                                60          Warning     
                                   cURL Version                                           >=7.18.1                                     7.61.1      Pass        
                                   cURL SSL Version                                       >=OpenSSL/1.1.0                              OpenSSL/1.1.1kPass        
                                   OpenSSL Working Status                                 Yes                                          Yes         Pass        
                                   MySQL Version                                          >=5.0                                        10.3.39-MariaDB-cll-lvePass        
                                   ZipArchive enabled in PHP                              =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   Tar GZip supported                                     =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   Tar BZip2 supported                                    =true                                        true        Pass        
                                   WordPress Root-Verzeichnis                             /var/www/vhosts/      
                                   Server Name                                                                  
                                   Server Software                                        Apache                                       
                                   Betriebssystem                                         Linux                                        
                                   Architektur                                            64 bit                                       
                                   Server-Protokoll                                       HTTP/1.0                                     
                                   HTTPS                                                  AN - on                                      
                                   Verbindung zum Server selbst                           Unerwarteter HTTP-Antwort-Body:              
                                   User Agent                                             Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
                                   Server Port                                            443                                          
                                   Gateway-Schnittstelle                                  CGI/1.1                                      
                                   Arbeitsspeicherauslastung                              59.99 MB                                     
                                   Komplette URL                                   
                                   Antwort Zeit                                           1695054133                                   
                                   Inhalt akzeptieren                                     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
                                   Inhaltszeichen akzeptieren                             n. a.                                        
                                   Aktuell ausgeführte Skript Pfadname                    /var/www/vhosts/
                                   Aktuelle Seiten URI                                    /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mainwp_child_tab
                                   Externe Adresse                                                              
                                   Externer Host                                          N/A                                          
                                   Externer Port                                          47022                                        
                                   PHP erlaubt URL fopen                                  AN                                           
                                   PHP unterstützt Exif                                   Ja ( V8.0.)                                  
                                   PHP unterstützt IPTC                                   Ja                                           
                                   PHP unterstützt XML                                    Ja                                           
                                   PHP Deaktivierte Funktionen                            opcache_get_status,                          
                                   PHP Geladene Erweiterungen                             Core, PDO, PDO_ODBC, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, enchant, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, i360, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, pspell, redis, session, soap, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib
                                   MySQL-Modus                                            NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION                       
                                   MySQL-Client-Verschlüsselung                           utf8                                         
                                   AccelerateWP                                                                      Aktiv                   
                                   Acowebs Product Labels For Woocommerce                 1.5.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Bambuslife                                             1.0.0                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Convert Pro                                            1.7.6                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Convert Pro - Addon                                    1.5.5                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Convert Pro - Analytics                                0.1.0                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Duplicate Pages, Posts & CPT                           1.2                                          Aktiv                   
                                   GenerateBlocks                                         1.8.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   GP Premium                                             2.3.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   iThemes Security                                       8.1.8                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Lasso                                                  318                                          Aktiv                   
                                   LuckyWP Table of Contents                              2.1.4                                        Aktiv                   
                                   WP Ninjas Wartung                                      4.5.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   WP Ninjas Wartung reports                              2.1.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Multiple external product URLs for WooCommerce         1.3.2                                        Inaktiv                 
                                   OMGF                                                   5.7.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   OMGF Pro                                               3.8.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Prosodia VGW OS                                        3.25.3                                       Aktiv                   
                                   Query Monitor                                          3.13.1                                       Aktiv                   
                                   Rank Math SEO                                                                    Aktiv                   
                                   Real Cookie Banner                                     3.11.2                                       Aktiv                   
                                   ShortPixel Image Optimizer                             5.4.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Smart Image Resize for WooCommerce                     1.8.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   The Icon Block                                         1.6.0                                        Aktiv                   
                                   Thrive Architect                                       3.24.3                                       Aktiv                   
                                   Thrive Product Manager                                 1.14.2                                       Aktiv                   
                                   UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore                           1.23.10                                      Aktiv                   
                                   VRTs – Visual Regression Tests                         1.5.2                                        Aktiv                   
                                   WooCommerce                                            8.1.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   WooCommerce AJAX Products Filter                                                   Aktiv                   
                                   WP Bug Detector                                        1.1                                          Aktiv                   
                                   WP Product Review                                      2.6.1                                        Aktiv                   
                                   WP Product Review Lite                                 3.7.11                                       Aktiv                   
                                   WZone - WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates                  14.0.6                                       Aktiv                   

### Weiter durch                   Zeitplan                                               Haken                                     ###

18. September 2023 18:22           Once every 3 minutes.                                  WooZone_autoimport_queue                     
18. September 2023 18:22           Once every minute.                                     WooZone_syncwidget_products                  
18. September 2023 18:22           Every minute                                           action_scheduler_run_queue                   
18. September 2023 18:22           WP Rocket Preload pending jobs                         rocket_preload_process_pending               
18. September 2023 18:23           Once every 2 minutes.                                  WooZone_sync_products                        
18. September 2023 18:25           Ten minutes                                            lasso_scan_all_links                         
18. September 2023 18:25           Five minutes                                           lasso_cron_add_amazon                        
18. September 2023 18:25           Five minutes                                           lasso_cron_import_all                        
18. September 2023 18:25           Five minutes                                           lasso_cron_revert_all                        
18. September 2023 18:25           Five minutes                                           lasso_cron_check_issue                       
18. September 2023 18:25           Five minutes                                           lasso_cron_update_amazon                     
18. September 2023 18:25           Once every 15 minutes.                                 WooZone_syncwidget_products_cycle            
18. September 2023 18:25           Once every 5 minutes.                                  WooZone_autoimport_search                    
18. September 2023 18:27           Einmal stündlich                                       cpro_ab_test_check_event                     
18. September 2023 18:27           Einmal stündlich                                       cpro_google_analytics_resync                 
18. September 2023 18:29           Einmal stündlich                                       vrts_fetch_updates_cron                      
18. September 2023 18:30           Once every 10 minutes.                                 WooZone_unblock_crons                        
18. September 2023 18:30           Zweimal täglich                                        sb_instagram_twicedaily                      
18. September 2023 18:40           Once every half hour.                                  WooZone_sync_products_cycle                  
18. September 2023 18:40           Once every half hour.                                  WooZone_sync_products_gc                     
18. September 2023 18:41           AccelerateWP Expired Cache Interval                    rocket_purge_time_event                      
18. September 2023 18:42           Einmal stündlich                                       jetpack_clean_nonces                         
18. September 2023 18:48           Einmal stündlich                                       wc_admin_process_orders_milestone            
18. September 2023 18:50           Zweimal täglich                                        check_plugin_updates-thrive-product-manager  
18. September 2023 18:50           Zweimal täglich                                        check_plugin_updates-thrive-visual-editor    
18. September 2023 18:51           Zweimal täglich                                        puc_cron_check_updates-lasso                 
18. September 2023 18:55                                                                  woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders             
18. September 2023 18:55           Einmal stündlich                                       lasso_hourly_event_hook                      
18. September 2023 18:55           1 hour                                                 lasso_cron_create_lasso_webp_image           
18. September 2023 18:55           1 hour                                                 lasso_cron_create_lasso_webp_image_table     
18. September 2023 18:59           Einmal stündlich                                       wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files           
18. September 2023 18:59           Einmal stündlich                                       aawp_wp_scheduled_hourly_events              
18. September 2023 19:05           Einmal stündlich                                       lasso_revert_link_url_from_history           
18. September 2023 19:10           Einmal stündlich                                       WooZone_report                               
18. September 2023 19:10           Einmal stündlich                                       wc_admin_unsnooze_admin_notes                
18. September 2023 19:19           Einmal stündlich                                       itsec_cron                                   
18. September 2023 19:42           WP Rocket Preload revert stuck in-progress jobs        rocket_preload_revert_old_in_progress_rows   
18. September 2023 19:59           Einmal täglich                                         aawp_wp_scheduled_daily_events               
18. September 2023 20:01           Zweimal täglich                                        puc_cron_check_updates-real-cookie-banner-pro
18. September 2023 20:42           Zweimal täglich                                        updraftplus_clean_temporary_files            
18. September 2023 21:02           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_mainwp_stream_auto_purge                  
18. September 2023 21:10           Einmal täglich                                         wc_admin_daily                               
18. September 2023 23:24           Zweimal täglich                                        itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 00:00           Einmal täglich                                         woocommerce_scheduled_sales                  
19. September 2023 01:35           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_update_plugins                            
19. September 2023 01:35           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_update_themes                             
19. September 2023 02:00           Einmal täglich                                         rank_math/search_console/get_analytics       
19. September 2023 02:00           Einmal täglich                                         rank_math/redirection/clean_trashed          
19. September 2023 02:00           Einmal täglich                                         rank_math/links/internal_links               
19. September 2023 02:00                                                                  wp_bug_detector_capture_trigger              
19. September 2023 03:21           Einmal täglich                                         mc4wp_refresh_mailchimp_lists                
19. September 2023 03:44                                                                  wp_product_review_pro_log_activity           
19. September 2023 04:56           Einmal wöchentlich                                     wp_delete_temp_updater_backups               
19. September 2023 05:21           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_https_detection                           
19. September 2023 05:21           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_update_user_counts                        
19. September 2023 05:43                                                                  itsec_cron_test                              
19. September 2023 05:51           Zweimal täglich                                        woocommerce_cleanup_sessions                 
19. September 2023 06:49           Einmal täglich                                         puc_cron_check_updates-affiliate-plugin      
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_clean_link_locations_hook        
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_data_sync_content                
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_data_sync_affiliate_programs     
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_data_sync_plugins                
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_data_sync_link_locations         
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_daily_data_sync_lasso_links            
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_update_license_status                  
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_sync_and_encrypt_amazon_api            
19. September 2023 06:55           Einmal täglich                                         lasso_auto_monetize                          
19. September 2023 07:51           Einmal wöchentlich                                     rocket_preload_clean_rows_time_event         
19. September 2023 07:57           Einmal täglich                                         rank_math/content-ai/update_prompts          
19. September 2023 10:59           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:03           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:06                                                                  itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:08           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:09           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:10           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:17           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:23           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:24           Einmal täglich                                         itsec_cron                                   
19. September 2023 11:42           Einmal täglich                                         jetpack_v2_heartbeat                         
19. September 2023 11:51           Einmal täglich                                         woocommerce_cleanup_personal_data            
19. September 2023 11:51           Einmal täglich                                         woocommerce_tracker_send_event               
19. September 2023 13:35           Einmal täglich                                         wp_scheduled_delete                          
19. September 2023 13:35           Einmal täglich                                         delete_expired_transients                    
19. September 2023 13:41           Einmal täglich                                         recovery_mode_clean_expired_keys             
19. September 2023 14:46           Einmal täglich                                         wpseo-reindex-links                          
19. September 2023 14:51           Einmal täglich                                         woocommerce_cleanup_logs                     
19. September 2023 14:51           Einmal täglich                                         woocommerce_cleanup_rate_limits              
19. September 2023 16:05           Einmal täglich                                         wp_scheduled_auto_draft_delete               
19. September 2023 17:28           Einmal täglich                                         thrive_token_cron                            
20. September 2023 04:44           Zweimal täglich                                        wp_version_check                             
20. September 2023 07:49           Einmal wöchentlich                                     wpseo_onpage_fetch                           
23. September 2023 18:31           Einmal wöchentlich                                     wp_site_health_scheduled_check               
24. September 2023 02:00           Einmal wöchentlich                                     rank_math/tracker/send_event                 
24. September 2023 06:55           One month                                              lasso_monthly_data_sync_content              
24. September 2023 06:55           One month                                              lasso_monthly_data_sync_link_locations       
24. September 2023 06:55           One month                                              lasso_monthly_data_sync_lasso_links          
24. September 2023 13:03           Einmal wöchentlich                                     sbi_usage_tracking_cron                      
25. September 2023 03:36           Fortnightly                                            updraft_backup                               
25. September 2023 03:36           Fortnightly                                            updraft_backup_database                      
3. Oktober 2023 11:52              Alle 15 Tage                                           woocommerce_geoip_updater                    
16. Oktober 2023 02:00             Einmal täglich                                         tpm_cron_hook                                

### Zeit                           Fehler                                              ###

WP Ninjas Wartung is unable to find your error logs, please contact your host for server error logs.

Hi Jonas,

Which report template do you use?
Do you get this error with any template?
If you check the MainWP > Info > Error Log page do you see any recent error in there?

I’ve tried different templates.

The Debug log shows something, that could be connected to this:

[19-Sep-2023 17:10:10 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports' doesn't exist for query SELECT rp.* FROM fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports rp  WHERE rp.recurring_schedule != '' AND rp.scheduled = 1  AND rp.completed < rp.schedule_lastsend  AND rp.retry_counter < 3  ORDER BY rp.lastsend ASC  LIMIT 1 made by do_action_ref_array('mainwp_pro_reports_cron_continue_send_reports'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Schedule::cron_continue_send_reports, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->get_scheduled_reports_to_continue_send
[19-Sep-2023 17:10:17 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports' doesn't exist for query SELECT rp.* FROM fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports rp  WHERE rp.recurring_schedule != '' AND rp.scheduled = 1  AND rp.completed < rp.schedule_lastsend  AND rp.retry_counter < 3  ORDER BY rp.lastsend ASC  LIMIT 1 made by do_action_ref_array('mainwp_pro_reports_cron_continue_send_reports'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Schedule::cron_continue_send_reports, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->get_scheduled_reports_to_continue_send
[19-Sep-2023 17:10:18 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports rp WHERE 1 = 1  made by do_action('mainwp_page_Extensions-Mainwp-Pro-Reports-Extension'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Extension_Activator->settings, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_overview, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview::render_tabs, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_tabs_content, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_pro_reports, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->get_report_by
[19-Sep-2023 17:10:32 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports_token' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports_token WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY type DESC, token_name ASC made by do_action('mainwp_page_Extensions-Mainwp-Pro-Reports-Extension'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Extension_Activator->settings, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_overview, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview::render_tabs, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_tabs_content, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_report, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->new_report_setting, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_pro_report_email_options, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->get_tokens
[19-Sep-2023 17:10:52 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports' doesn't exist for query SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports` made by do_action('mainwp_page_Extensions-Mainwp-Pro-Reports-Extension'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Extension_Activator->settings, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_overview, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview::render_tabs, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_tabs_content, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_report, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->handle_report_saving, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->update_report
[19-Sep-2023 17:10:52 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'd03e229a.fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports_token' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM fmk7r_mainwp_pro_reports_token WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY type DESC, token_name ASC made by do_action('mainwp_page_Extensions-Mainwp-Pro-Reports-Extension'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Extension_Activator->settings, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_overview, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview::render_tabs, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_tabs_content, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->render_report, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->new_report_setting, MainWP_Pro_Reports_Overview->get_pro_report_email_options, MainWP_Pro_Reports_DB->get_tokens

Hi Jonas,

Would you mind opening a helpdesk ticket so we can look into it?

I will, thanks for your help!

For everyone who is interested: The problem was solved with the new update (4.1.3) that came out yesterday.


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