Pro reports settings - Rules table JS errors

Hi, I have added some custom rules to exclude some activity from showing in report logs.

In some sites, the rules table shows correctly, all fields are select2 fields, and I can add new rules. In short, all are working fine.

But some other sites, the rules table is showing weird, the fields are not select2 fields, and when I click the +Add New Rule button, a JS error appears in the console and the new rule line is NOT added.


Most sites are showing the weird version with the error. Very few sites are correct.

I can’t find any notable difference between 2 sites with correct and wrong table:

  • I use the same MainWP version (5.1.1)
  • I use the same MainWP Report version (2.2)
  • I use the same WP version (6.5.4)
  • I use the same Woo version (8.6.1)
  • The database value is exactly the same in both sites

I will appreciate any help with this.

Hey @dichagr

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We are aware of an issue where adding exclusion rows can fail in some cases, and that it can produce that JS error in the console.

We will be addressing this for the next version of the MainWP Child Reports plugin.

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