Sort order items alphabetically with some exceptions in WooCommerce

Sort order items alphabetically with some exceptions in WooCommerce.

Snippet Type

Execute on Child Sites


add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_get_items', function( $items, $order ) {
    $prioritizedItems = ['PO#', 'Terms', 'Discount']; // Items which needs to be displayed first

    uasort($items, function($a, $b) use ($prioritizedItems) {
        // Check if either item is in the prioritized list
        $a_priority = in_array($a['name'], $prioritizedItems);
        $b_priority = in_array($b['name'], $prioritizedItems);

        // If both or neither of them are prioritized, then you can sort alphabetically
        if ($a_priority === $b_priority) {
            return strnatcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);

        // If a single one is prioritized, it should come first
        return $a_priority ? -1 : 1;

    return $items;

}, 10, 2 );

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