Updraftplus MainWP plugin - scheduling backups

I’ve currently testing out the MainWP updraftplus extension. I’m having trouble scheduling the backups (weekly) to not run at the same time across my entire network. Any tips for doing this?

I’m seeing if I add sites in blocks of 5 perhaps, and then push the Updraftplus global settings to these 5 sites they will have a new (different) backup schedule to the existing ones… but… this is a little tedious.

I’m happy to purchase Updraftplus premium if this will allow me to set the actual backup time in MainWP, but I don’t see any documentation to support this idea.

Hi @xyzulu

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. Even if you were to schedule backups directly on the child site, the UpdraftPlus plugin does not support specifying the exact time of the backup job.

This is likely the only viable workaround right now, although I agree that it is a little tedious.

It does in the premium version, but MainWP Updraftplus Extension doesn’t appear to allow me to control this.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will look into including this in the next version of the extension.

However, even with that feature added, the original problem of all jobs being scheduled to run at the same time would still stand and the only viable workaround is the one you stated.

I understand. But even being able to control the time (premium) from MainWP is an advantage to having to login to the site to adjust the time.


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