Upload failed zip files

Hi guys!
I have problems to upload zips… I readed all and I dont find the problem… also the temfile is enabled on the side of the server

### WordPress Check                Requerido                                              Detectado                                    Estado   ###

MultiSite Disabled                 =true                                                  true                                         Correcto    
Método del sistema de archivos     = direct                                               direct                                       Correcto    
WordPress Memory Limit             >=64M                                                  64M                                          Correcto    
WordPress Version                  >=3.6                                                  6.3.1                                        Correcto    

### PHP                            Requerido                                              Detectado                                    Estado   ###

Compatibilidad Exif PHP            N/D                                                    SÍ                                                       
Compatibilidad PHP IPTC            N/D                                                    SÍ                                                       
Compatibilidad PHP XML             N/D                                                    SÍ                                                       
cURL Extension Enabled             =true                                                  true                                         Correcto    
cURL Timeout                       >=300 seconds                                          60                                           Advertencia 
cURL Version                       >=7.29.0                                               7.61.1                                       Correcto    
Extensiones PHP cargadas           N/D                                                    Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, hash, iconv, intl, json, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, readline, session, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib            
Funciones PHP desactivadas         N/D                                                    No hay funciones desactivadas.                           
OpenSSL Version                    >=OpenSSL/1.1.0                                        OpenSSL/1.1.1k                               Correcto    
OpenSSL Working Status             Yes                                                    Yes                                          Correcto    
PCRE Backtracking Limit            >=10000                                                1000000                                      Correcto    
PHP Allow URL fopen                N/D                                                                                                             
PHP Max Execution Time             >=30 seconds                                           300                                          Correcto    
PHP Max Input Time                 >=30 seconds                                           90                                           Correcto    
PHP Memory Limit                   >=128M                                                 256M                                         Correcto    
PHP Post Max Size                  >=2M                                                   128M                                         Correcto    
PHP Safe Mode Disabled             =true                                                  true                                         Correcto    
PHP Upload Max Filesize            >=2M                                                   128M                                         Correcto    
PHP Version                        >=7.4                                                  8.1.23                                       Correcto    
SSL Extension Enabled              =true                                                  true                                         Correcto    
SSL Warnings                       = empty                                                                                             Correcto    

### MySQL                          Requerido                                              Detectado                                    Estado   ###

Codificación del cliente de MySQL  N/D                                                    utf8                                                     
Modo de MySQL                      N/D                                                    ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION            
MySQL Version                      >=5.0                                                  10.6.15-MariaDB                              Correcto    

### Server Configuration           Valor detectado                                     ###

Aceptar contenido                  text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
Aceptar el contenido del juego de caracteresN/D                                                    
Agente de usuario                  Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Arquitectura                       64		 bit                                               
Conexión automática al servidor    Prueba de respuesta correcta.                          
Hora de la solicitud               1696449832                                             
HTTPS                              ACTIVADO                                               
Interfaz de la pasarela            CGI/1.1                                                
Protocolo del servidor             HTTP/1.1                                               
Sistema operativo                  Linux                                                  
Software del servidor              Apache                                                 
Uso de memoria                     21.71 MB                                               

### MainWP Dashboard Settings      Valor detectado                                     ###

Basic uptime monitoring enabled    Sí                                                     
MainWP legacy backups enabled      No                                                     
Number of child sites              1                                                      
Número máximo de entradas a mostrar                                                       
Número máximo de páginas a mostrar                                                        
Optimizar para alojamiento compartido o grandes redesNo                                                     
Peticiones máximas simultáneas     4                                                      
Peticiones máximas simultáneas de instalación y actualización                                                       
Peticiones máximas simultáneas de sincronización                                                       
Peticiones máximas simultáneas por IP1                                                      
Plugin advanced automatic updates enabledSí                                                     
Primary backup system              MainWP Legacy Backups                                  
REST API enabled                   No                                                     
Retraso mínimo entre peticiones    200                                                    
Retraso mínimo entre peticiones a la misma IP1000                                                   
Site health monitoring enabled     Sí                                                     
Theme advanced automatic updates enabledNo                                                     
Tolerancia para los plugins/temas abandonados                                                       
Usar WP Cron                       No                                                     
Versión de MainWP Dashboard        Latest: | Detected: Correcto           
WP Core advanced automatic updates enabledNo                                                     

### Extensiones                    Versión                                                License                                      Estado   ###

No hay extensiones instaladas      

### Plugin                         Versión                                                Estado                                    ###

MainWP Dashboard                                                         Activo                                       
Redis Object Cache                 2.4.4                                                  Activo                                       
Wordfence Security                 7.10.4                                                 Activo                                       

thanks for the help!!

Hi @webmasterahora

Welcome to the MainWP community.

Is the ZIP upload failing when you’re trying to install a plugin or a theme or when performing some other operation on the Dashboard? Can you please send us a screenshot of when it exactly fails so we have a better understanding of the context?

If it is indeed failing when you’re trying to install plugin or a theme, can you please check out this KB and see if the troubleshooting steps help:


Borjan, how are you?

Thank you for your email!

I already tried with several plugins and all of they failed:

here another information:

thanks for the help!

Hi Borjan how are you?
I wanted paste here screenshots but not is possible, also I already sent you the last week a response of your email.

I hope you can help to me with that.
All the best

Hi @webmasterahora

Thanks for the screenshots.

Have you tried going through the troubleshooting steps outlined in this KB? Plugin installation fails with error message Upload failed - MainWP Documentation

As an example, I can see that you have Wordfence security installed on the MainWP Dashboard.

Yes I did it!

Server self connect = Response Test O.K.

Without wordfence, the problem continue.

Thank you

Thanks for trying that.

Would you mind opening a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further?

And please refer to this Managers thread by its URL in the ticket.