WP Core Not Showing update within MainWP

Is there a reason that the new WordPress 6.5.2 update isn’t showing up in MainWP when sites are synced?

I don’t have Ignore core updates turned on either. Dropbox - CleanShot 2024-04-10 at [email protected] - Simplify your life

Anyone else having this issue too by chance?

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They showed up in my dashboard, but many will have received the update automatically, so if you don’t see the update, please check the version of those child sites.

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Hi Jos, I’ve checked a few of the child sites and some are still saying to update WP but they are not showing up within MainWP as needing to be updated at all.

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If the child site already shows the update, then MainWP should show it as well after the next (manual) sync. If that doesn’t help, I would have no idea what goes wrong here.

The fact that an update shows up later than on other sites could be caused by heavy caching or disabled cron.

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Hey @Solomon_Antonell

Not all child sites will detect an available update for WP Core at the same time.

This can be sped up by visiting the child site’s Updates page (Redirecting...) and checking for updates.

After the update is visible on the child site’s Update page, and the Dashboard is synced, it should become visible on the Dashboard as well.

Are you able to sync these sites (that are showing available core update) without issues?

Is the MainWP Dashboard showing available updates for plugins/themes on these sites?

Are all MainWP plugins up to date (Dashboard v5.0.3, Child v5.0.1)?

Hi Borjan yeah, something isn’t working correctly, I’m still not getting any type of notificiation for the updated WP. I’ve gone to the child sites and it’s showing there, then come back to Mainwp, sncyed the exact site and still nothing shows.

Not sure what’s going on. For now, I’m going through each site one-by-one.

Also, this is only for the core update, other plugins are showing up as usual. So not sure why WP isn’t. But that’s where things are at for the moment.

Thank you for the update @Solomon_Antonell .

Should you wish for us to investigate this further, feel free to open a private Help Desk ticket.

And please refer to this Managers thread by its URL in the ticket.

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